NDEB Online Self-Assessment

The NDEB web-based self-assessment has been developed as a tool to help you gauge your ability to successfully complete the Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge.

The web-based self-assessment consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. Upon completion, a tally of your correct responses will be provided. These results are provided as a guideline only, and neither disqualify you from taking the AFK nor guarantee that you will receive the minimum required test equated score on the AFK.


  1. Once you click on "Start the Evaluation" you will have 120 minutes to complete the assessment.
  2. You can only select one answer for each question. Once you have selected your answer click on "next" to move to the next question.
  3. You cannot use the "Back" button in your browser to return to previous answers. Once you have submitted your answer it is final.
  4. When you click finish, a display will appear with your final score.

Prior to commencing, you must read the statement regarding your self-assessment score below. You will then have 2 hours to complete this on-line self-assessment. You may choose to end the quiz at any time. Good luck!

By clicking the start button I have read the description of the NDEB on-line self-assessment and I understand and agree that the score provided at the completion of this self-assessment is intended as a general guideline only and that it in no way warrants or guarantees success on the Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge.

1 / 100

During development, the neural crest gives rise to

2 / 100

A patient has acute pain and a swelling on the buccal of tooth 2.6. There is a mid-buccal 10mm pocket. Which of the following is needed to confirm the diagnosis of acute periodontal abscess?

3 / 100

Which of the following medications is most commonly associated with gingival enlargement?

4 / 100

The most appropriate management for recurrent pericoronitis of a mandibular third molar with inadequate arch space is

5 / 100

For a 4 year old, the injection site for an inferior alveolar nerve block is

6 / 100

A patient requires a metal-ceramic crown restoration and reports a known allergy to costume jewelry and certain earrings. Which of the following alloys would be the LEAST acceptable for this patient?

7 / 100

Which of the following is the most appropriate luting agent for the cementation of zirconia-based crowns?

8 / 100

Which of the following would be exacerbated by xerostomia?

9 / 100

From birth to adulthood the face grows most in

10 / 100

The minimum mesial-distal space required between two teeth for the placement of two adjacent 4mm diameter implants is

11 / 100

A patient has a history of radiation therapy for thyroid cancer. Three weeks after an extraction, there is increasing pain and a nonhealing extraction socket with exposed sequestrated bone. The most likely diagnosis is

12 / 100

Angle Class I occlusion exists when the mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent maxillary first molar occludes

13 / 100

A 25 year old female in her first trimester of pregnancy has an acute dental infection. Which of the following is CONTRAINDICATED for this patient?

14 / 100

All of the following microorganisms are associated with a specific periodontal disease EXCEPT

15 / 100

A patient with a productive cough, fever, chills, and nightsweats should be evaluated for

16 / 100

Sensory fibres of the pulp

17 / 100

A bite-wing dental radiograph will accurately indicate

18 / 100

An SNA of 88˚ most likely indicates a maxilla positioned

19 / 100

Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers should be used with caution for patients with

20 / 100

Which of the following is the maximum daily analgesic dose of ibuprofen for a healthy adult?

21 / 100

Pain and difficulty on swallowing, trismus and a displaced uvula are signs and symptoms of infection of which one of the following spaces?

22 / 100

For a patient with dementia, agnosia is characterized by a diminished ability to

23 / 100

Which range is normal for a fasting blood glucose level?

24 / 100

When extracting primary molars, care must be taken because the

25 / 100

A healthy patient presents with multiple aphthous ulcers on the labial mucosa. The most appropriate initial management is

26 / 100

Flaps in minor oral surgery should

27 / 100

Materials used for a centric relation record for a dentate patient are required to be

28 / 100

Disinfection is a process that

29 / 100

A lingual bar major connector on a mandibular partial denture framework is ideally

30 / 100

Arterial blood flows continuously through capillaries during both systole and diastole because

31 / 100

Which of the following appearances does NOT indicate an active occlusal carious lesion?

32 / 100

Leeway space

33 / 100

After the avulsion of a permanent maxillary central incisor, for the periodontal ligament to recover, the tooth must be replanted within

34 / 100

A 4 year old patient has ongoing spontaneous pain from tooth 8.5. The tooth is tender to percussion and a radiograph reveals a radiolucency in the furcation. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?

35 / 100

When prescribing codeine, patients should be informed

36 / 100

A child needs a pulpotomy on tooth 7.4 due to disto-occlusal caries. The child has juice 3 times a day and a tendency to snack between meals. The most appropriate restoration for this tooth is a

37 / 100

A removable partial denture cast metal framework is fabricated from a master cast from a polyvinyl siloxane impression in an acrylic custom tray. The framework fits the master cast without abrasion but will not seat intraorally. The error in fit could have been caused by

38 / 100

A patient suffers a displaced left sub-condylar fracture. What is the most likely clinical presentation?

39 / 100

Nitrous oxide sedation is CONTRAINDICATED for a patient with

40 / 100

Hepatitis B is transmitted most frequently via

41 / 100

Which of the following characteristics of pain is NOT associated with angina?

42 / 100

INR values should be determined prior to surgery on a patient taking

43 / 100

The internal line angles of cavity preparations for composite resin or amalgam restorations should be

44 / 100

When taking the working length radiograph for tooth 1.4 with 2 canals, the superimposition of the roots can be avoided by

45 / 100

Which local anaesthetic formulation should be used to achieve prolonged pain relief for a patient requiring a pulpectomy for tooth 3.6?

46 / 100

Activation of the vagus nerve

47 / 100

A patient with Stage 1 hypertension has blood pressure values of

48 / 100

Which symptom is NOT associated with cracked-tooth syndrome?

49 / 100

Which of the following effects is NOT produced by epinephrine in a local anesthetic solution?

50 / 100

All of the following periodontal surgical procedures are used for root coverage EXCEPT a/an

51 / 100

Satisfactory local anesthesia is often difficult to obtain in the presence of infection near the injection site because of

52 / 100

An 8 year old child has a fracture of the permanent maxillary central incisor with enamel, dentin and pulpal involvement. Radiographs show the root apex is wide open. The most appropriate initial management is to

53 / 100

The initial treatment of inflammatory papillary hyperplasia is

54 / 100

The mother of a 6 year old patient is concerned because her child has a “double row of teeth”. On examination, teeth 4.1 and 3.1 are erupting lingual to 8.1 and 7.1. Teeth 8.1 and 7.1 demonstrate significant mobility and radiographically have one quarter of the root remaining. The incisor segment is not crowded. What is the most appropriate management?

55 / 100

A 6 year old patient has a 7mm diastema between the primary maxillary central incisors. Radiographic examination shows a mesiodens. The most appropriate management is to extract the mesiodens

56 / 100

Which of the following antibiotics is most likely to cause oral mucosal pigmentation?

57 / 100

Shortly after an injection of 4% articaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine, a patient complains of itchiness, light headedness, nausea, abdominal pain and breathing difficulty. Which drug should be administered first?

58 / 100

The buccal mucosa of a patient has a greyish-white appearance that becomes less evident upon stretching of the tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?

59 / 100

During dental treatment, a 62 year old insulin-dependent diabetic, suddenly complains of severe, crushing, retrosternal pain. The most appropriate initial management is to stop treatment and

60 / 100

Which of the following are common to ameloblasts and odontoblasts?

61 / 100

Acetylsalicylic acid may be safely used as an analgesic in patients who

62 / 100

During mastication, which muscles act in a reciprocal function to the masseters in the transition from the working to the balancing side?

63 / 100

Which of the following local anesthetics has the highest reported incidence of paresthesia following an inferior alveolar nerve block?

64 / 100

A patient who has multiple smooth, irregular zones of erythema surrounded by a white border on the dorsal and lateral ventral surfaces of the tongue most likely has

65 / 100

Calculus contributes to gingival inflammation primarily by

66 / 100

A facial nerve injury at the stylomastoid foramen will result in

67 / 100

When establishing the radiographic working length for a maxillary first premolar, the files within the canals should

68 / 100

Gutta-percha in contact with periapical tissues

69 / 100

A 6 year old patient with symmetrical maxillary and mandibular arches has a right unilateral posterior crossbite. On initial contact, the maxillary and mandibular midlines are coincident but in maximum intercuspation the mandibular midline is 2mm to the right. The most appropriate management is to

70 / 100

In endodontics, which of the following is true regarding the crown-down technique?

71 / 100

Acetylsalicylic acid prevents platelet aggregation by

72 / 100

An open proximal contact on an amalgam restoration could be prevented by

73 / 100

Which of the following analgesics is most appropriate for the management of dental pain associated with inflammation?

74 / 100

A patient reports an allergy to local anesthetic because they require several injections to become fully anesthetized for dental procedures. Which of the following is NOT a likely explanation?

75 / 100

Surface enamel is more highly mineralized than the rest of the enamel because

76 / 100

Administration of naproxen to a patient taking chronic high doses of prednisone for systemic lupus erythematosus may lead to

77 / 100

Which of the following antibiotics is CONTRAINDICATED in patients with severe hepatic disease?

78 / 100

A 62 year old patient has an ulcerated lesion on the vermilion border of the lower lip that has been increasing in size for 3 months. The most likely diagnosis is

79 / 100

A researcher wants to investigate the relationship between the longterm exposure to sugar and developing dental caries. Which research design would be the most appropriate for this study?

80 / 100

Plaque becomes more cariogenic when

81 / 100

Which of the following is the LEAST reliable for the diagnosis of pulp necrosis in a traumatized tooth?

82 / 100

Polymerization shrinkage of composite resins can be minimized by using

83 / 100

Surgical-orthodontic treatment for a male patient with a severe Angle Class III malocclusion of skeletal and dental etiology should be started

84 / 100

In an ideal Class II amalgam preparation in a primary molar, the

85 / 100

A mouth opening of 30mm is considered to be

86 / 100

Two weeks following full mouth extractions, an alcoholic patient demonstrates poor wound healing. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

87 / 100

A Bolton relationship has determined a

• maxillary 12 teeth excess of 3.5mm
• maxillary 6 teeth excess of 3.0mm

What effect could this Bolton relationship have on a Angle Class I malocclusion?

88 / 100

A barbed broach should be used

89 / 100

An irreversible hydrocolloid impression is made of a dentate arch and upon removal the impression is torn on the periphery. The most likely cause is

90 / 100

Which of the following is the most common cause of fracture of nickel titanium (NiTi) rotary endodontic instruments?

91 / 100

Dental porcelain has

92 / 100

Which of the following is the most likely result from an acetaminophen overdose?

93 / 100

Which of the following must be completed before performing periodontal surgery for a patient?

94 / 100

Which of the following is appropriate for an all-ceramic crown preparation on an anterior tooth?

95 / 100

A dental implant analogue is used

96 / 100

A 7 year old patient has a Angle Class I dental and skeletal relationship. Tooth 6.1 is retained and not mobile. Tooth 2.1 is fully erupted and in lingual crossbite. The most appropriate management for this patient is

97 / 100

When irrigating root canal systems, sodium hypochlorite is used because it

98 / 100

After preparing an endodontically treated maxillary anterior tooth to receive a prefabricated post and core followed by a crown, the amount of remaining coronal tooth structure primarily influences the

99 / 100

A well-delineated, ovoid radiolucency surrounded by a smooth, dense, radiopaque rim, is located inferior to the inferior alveolar canal in the posterior mandible. What is the most likely diagnosis?

100 / 100

The primary advantage of using a resin-modified glass ionomer pit-and-fissure sealant rather than a resin sealant is that the resin-modified glass ionomer

Your score is