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Verification of Scores


A verification of scores for the NDECC is a verification of the grade calculations for each situational judgement station and each clinical skills requirement. This process is unlikely to change your final grade as all failing results have already been verified. The verification does not involve a re-evaluation of your typodont and situational judgement stations.

Electronic examinations (AFK, ACJ, Virtual OSCE)

A verification of scores for electronic examinations is a verification of the grade calculations. Your responses are manually compared with the answer key. Subsequently, a manual re-calculation of your score is performed to ensure the accuracy of the final grade.

Paper-based examinations (AFK)

A verification of scores for paper-based examinations is a verification of the grade calculations. Your answer score sheet (Scantron) is manually compared with the answer key. Subsequently, a manual re-calculation of your score is performed to ensure the accuracy of the final grade.

Frequently Asked Questions

Verification of scores is available to examinees who have failed the examination. To request a verification of scores, you must login to your NDEBConnect account and select ‘Service Requests’ and follow the prompts for a ‘New Service Request’.
Examinees are notified of the result of the verification by email approximately 6 weeks following the request. Regrades are typically completed within 12 weeks. In no circumstances will examinees have access to their examinations or scoresheets.