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By-laws Update

On July 1st, revised NDEB® By-laws will be in effect. Included in the update are changes regarding repeating the NDECC®.  

The NDECC® consists of two components, the Clinical Skills component and the Situational Judgment component taken in two consecutive days. Successful completion of the NDECC® is required to complete the Equivalency Process.  

As outlined in the revised By-laws, an examinee who fails either the Clinical Skills component or the Situational Judgement component of the NDECC® is only required to retake the failed component. If both components are failed examinees must repeat the entire NDECC®. 

The NDECC® can be taken any number of times within 60 months from the date the NDECC® is introduced or from the date the examinee passed the ACJ. 

The revised By-laws will be available on the NDEB® website in late June 2022. 

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